Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Oy Vey! They Became Religious! | Cross-Currents

Oy Vey! They Became Religious! | Cross-Currents: "...Growing up in the thirties and forties they had parents that where Shomer Shabbos, but they received no Yeshiva education. They ate kosher in and Chinese out. However my children, and now their children have had, and will continue to have a strong personal connection to their grandparents. They know they are not Shomer Shabbos, but they also are aware that the Mitzvah of Kibub Av Vem does not stop because their parents are not Frum..."

Sites to See:

The Writers Cafe.org
Passaic Dating, From Frum & Single to Frum and Married,
Before I Became Frum

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